Eye Exam

Comprehensive eye exams by a Doctor of Optometry are an important part of caring for your eyes and vision.

Our doctors will test your visual acuity and perform a refraction test to generate a prescription if needed. An ocular health evaluation will include an eye pressure test for glaucoma, binocular and peripheral vision assessment, and a retinal (back of the eye) evaluation on all patients.

OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) The OCT is an excellent way to visualize the different layers of the retina and optic nerve in a living eye.

Refraction-  A refraction test is one portion of a standard eye exam—the part where the eye doctor determines what if any, prescription (or changes to your current prescription) are needed

Dilation – dilating in reference to your eyes is the process by which the pupils (black center portion of your eye) are enlarged. Your pupils naturally enlarge and constrict throughout the day without you even noticing. 

Glaucoma- (Intraocular pressure test) Glaucoma tests can determine whether the optic nerve is damaged, which may cause vision problems.

Detail Service

Safeguarding Sight from Every Angle:
Dilation for Detailed Eye Care

When you are exposed to bright light your pupils constrict (get smaller) in order to prevent too much light entering and causing damage to the very back of your eye, the retina. When you enter a dark room your pupils enlarge (get bigger) to allow more light to enter your eye which gives you better vision in dim lighting. So why does your optometrist need your pupils dilated during your exam?

When your pupils are dilated they give your optometrist a much better view of the back of your eye, called the retina, along with your optic nerve. Examining the retina and optic nerve is very important for diagnosing, preventing, and treating eye conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration; both of which could lead to vision loss if left untreated. When your pupils are not dilated the optometrist can still view the back of your eye, but his or her view is much more limited (see diagram below) and prevents them from thoroughly seeing your entire retina.

At Euro Optical, we accept credit cards, debit cards, CareCredit as well as personal checks and cash.

Layaway available. 

Flex Spending Always Accepted – Don’t forget to use it by THE END of the Year

We fill outside  prescriptions

Frequently Asked Question

Welcome to our 'Q & A’ section, where you can find answers to the most common questions about our shop. 

Annual eye exams are recommended as a part of preventative health care. You may be unaware of problems because there are often no obvious signs or symptoms. It is important to detect and treat vision problems early in order to maintain good vision and eye health. Consult with your Euro Optical Optometrist about your particular vision needs. Children’s needs often vary, depending on individual age. 

As the eye exam is the most important element in determining your eyewear needs, we prefer that Euro Optical Doctor of Optometry examines your eyes. However, we will accept a current, valid prescription from a licensed Optometrist or Ophthalmologist.


We accept walk-ins.  But we recommend to schedule an appointment in advance.

This depends on your prescription and the kind of lenses you will be getting. It can take from between two days to one week.

We accept cash and all major credit cards, check, care credit, gift cards.

Euro Optical accept most major Insurance , Union plans and company vision plans. You can also use your flexible spending account, HAS (Health Saving Accounts) towards exam, eyeglasses or prescription sunglasses!

Yes. Euro Optical offers the latest designer sunglasses with both prescription and non-prescription lenses.

Yes. These non-prescription lenses are called „plano” lenses. Eyeglasses today have become an important fashion accessory. Even though you may not need vision correction, you can still enhance your image and style with an eyewear wardrobe.

We would be happy to replace the lenses in your existing frames. Bring in your eyeglasses to our store and our expert optical associates will evaluate the condition of the frames to see if the lenses can be replaced.

Yes, Euro Optical carry gift certificates that may be purchased in any denomination.